Healing Hypnosis – Even on Stage
People know about hypnosis from the TV talk shows, usually shows like Oprah or Dr. Oz, extolling the virtues of medical applications of hypnosis. At one point hypnosis was considered a complimentary and alternative therapy, but now with over 12,000 peer reviewed journals examining the efficacy of hypnosis we now know that it is a first line intervention for many diffident conditions.
Millions of people have used hypnosis to change habits or behavior, like to stop smoking or make healthy food choices and lose weight. Others have used hypnosis to control fears, like a fear of flying and move beyond limiting beliefs.
Sometimes people wonder, is the “hypnosis” the same on stage as it is in a hypnotherapy office? In many ways the answer is yes, the same processes are used – and the same hypnotic phenomena that a therapist might use to remove a fear or phobia, or the same phenomena that might cause a cigarette smoker to “forget to remember” to smoke a cigarette in the morning are used.
Stage hypnotists and clinical hypnotists use the same processes and phenomena, but they look different. In a therapists office, hypnosis is often very slow and monotonous, but on stage, the pace is sped up and the intonation is exciting and dynamic. So even thought he same methods are used, it looks completely different.
But this is where the interesting part is. Because it is largely through the same process, people on stage are actually learning valuable skills! They are learning how to access resource states and hypnotic phenomena. Sure they are being silly and having fun with it, but sometimes that is actually the best way to learn something. And the result is, that many people who volunteer on stage want to know more about their potential to put aside self-defeating behaviors or to make positive life changes.
In fact, at the conclusion of every one of my show I give positive suggestion to everyone who comes on stage, that they will take the fun experience they have had, but apply it in a way that brings them joy and the deepest levels of satisfaction in life.
Because I often am invited year after year to school company and community events, people who were onstage at last years events, often come to me and tell me how by being on stage the previous year, they made this year the best year yet in almost every other area of life.
Do you want your guest to leave your event feeling their best? To have had both fun and a little enlightenment? Call me and lets talk about date for your event. (425)248-7676.